An Ephemeral Life
I sat there in a daze, empty and broken. It was the longest day of my life. It was three in the afternoon, but we had yet to eat lunch. My husband and I had to finish processing the papers first before the hospital could discharge my dad. Although it took quite some time, it was uneventful and without any problems and we finally settled everything smoothly. And there we…
Sheryl Guir: An Embodiment of a Strong, Resilient Woman
When life gives you lemons, what do you do? The proverbial phrase tells us to make lemonade, but Sheryl Guir chooses to make Margaritas instead. This is how she transforms even the sourest and most bitter moments of her life into sources of strength, becoming the strong and resilient woman she is today. A Multifaceted Woman A single mom of two, Sheryl wears many hats to support her family. She…